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If you’re a Trekkie looking for the perfect name for your new cat, this article is definitely for you! The popular science fiction franchise is chock-full of unique and interesting name ideas. So kick back and enjoy browsing our list of Star Trek themed cat names.

From the original series back in 1966 to the most current series, Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Picard, this collection covers it all. Of course we have lots of hits from The Next Generation, Voyager, and Deep Space Nine, as well as the many Star Trek movies. There was also an animated series back in 1973 which featured a fictional cat-like species called Caitians.
Fun fact – did you know the lionfish in Captain Picard’s ready room was named Livingston? News to us! Apparently the fish was named after David Livingston, a producer and director of the show.
There are so many gems like this throughout the 50 plus history of Star Trek. Whether it’s one of your favorite characters or just a cool name for a cat, we have compiled over 250 name ideas for you to check out.

- Adelphi
- Aenar
- Ajax
- Akaali
- Algeron
- Alpha
- Andoria
- Android
- Archer
- Armus
- Ash
- Asteroid
- Axanar
- Ayala
- Bajor
- Barclay
- Bashir
- Benzar
- Beta
- Betazoid
- Beverly
- Bones
- Borg
- Breen
- Caitian
- Captain
- Cadet
- Cardassia Prime
- Cerebral
- Chalnoth
- Changeling
- Chapel
- Chekov
- Chell
- Chester
- Christina
- Chroniton
- Commander
- Constable
- Cristóbal
- Crusher
- Crystalline
- Dahj
- Data
- Dax
- Deanna
- Defiant
- DeForest
- Degra
- Delta
- Discovery
- Doctor
- Doohan
- Dr. Soran
- Dukat
E – F
- Earl Grey
- Echo Papa
- Elnor
- Engage
- Ennis
- Epsilon
- Equinox
- Excalibur
- Excelsior
- Ezri
- Frakes
- Frontier
- Galaxy
- Galileo
- Gamma
- Garak
- Gates
- Gene
- Genesis
- George
- Geordi
- Georgiou
- Gorn
- Gowron
- Guinan
H – I
- Hikaru
- Honor
- Hoshi
- Hugh
- I’Chaya
- Imzadi
- Insignia
- Ishka
- Isis
- Jadzia
- Jake
- Janeway
- Janus VI
- Jaron
- Jaya
- Jean-Luc Picard
- Jellico
- Jem’Hadar
- Kahless
- Kai Winn
- Kazon
- Keiko
- Kes
- Kessick
- Khan
- Kimara
- Kira
- Kirk
- Kobayashi Maru
- Kortar
- Kurn
- Kzinti
- La Forge
- Le Barre
- Legacy
- Leonard
- LeVar
- Livingston
- Locutus
- Lorca
- Lore
- Lwaxana
- Maddox
- Majel
- Marla
- Martok
- McCoy
- Menagerie
- Michael Burnham
- Minos
- Montgomery
- Moogie
- Morn
- Mot
- M’Ress
- Mudd
- Nana
- Nanook of the North
- Nebula
- Neelix
- Nero
- Nexus
- Nibiru
- Nichelle
- Nimoy
- Nog
- Nomad
- Noonien
- Nova
- Number One
- Nyota
- O’Brien
- Odan
- Odo
- Odyssey
- Onaya
- Orion
- Paris
- Patrick
- Pavel
- Pegasus
- Phaser
- Phlox
- Phoenix
- Picard
- Porthos
- Prometheus
- Prosper
- Q
- Quark
- Quasar
- Quinn
- Raffi
- Raven
- Red Alert
- Remus
- Riker
- Rios
- Risa
- Ro
- Roddenberry
- Rom
- Romulus
- Saavik
- Salia
- Sarek
- Scotty
- Sela
- Seven of Nine
- Shakaar
- Shatner
- Shenzhao
- Shuttle
- Sha Ka Ree
- Sisko
- Sito
- Soji
- Soong
- Spiner
- Spock
- Spot
- Stardate
- Starfleet
- Starship
- Stewart
- Sulu
- Sylvia
- Takei
- Tal Shiar
- Talla
- Tamarian
- Tasha
- Thalen
- Tiberius
- Tilly
- Torpedo
- Tox Uthat
- Tribble
- Trip
- Troi
- Tuvok
U – V
- Uhura
- Una
- Valeris
- Vash
- Vega
- Velara
- Vic Fontaine
- Voyager
- Vulcan
W – X
- Warbird
- Wesley
- William
- Worf
- Wormhole
- Xindi
Y – Z
- Yadera
- Yar
- Zarabeth
- Zek
- Zhaban
- Zorn
The process of picking out just the right name for your new kitty is such a fun and exciting time. We hope this list helped you think of some ideas! If you’re new to cat parenthood and want to make sure you have everything you need for your sweet kitty, check out our article on 10 Essential Items For Your Cat: My Recommendations!
Also, check out some of our other cat name idea posts!
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