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If you’ve spent any amount of time researching the best litter box accessories, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff that’s on the market. How many things can you possibly need for your cat’s toilet area?
Well after years of cat ownership, I can tell you that as long as you have a solid, basic litter box and a good litter scoop – you pretty much have what you need. However, if you would like to make the the litter box area a bit nicer (and easier to keep clean) you may want to consider some of the amazing products that are available to you!
Sure, they’re not all necessary, but some of these really can make a huge difference!
Cleaning out the litter box is something most cat owners dislike!
You’re not alone, nobody likes dealing with the cat litter box. It’s dirty, smelly, messy, and can be somewhat time consuming to keep up with!
Not to mention it can get quite expensive purchasing litter, litter boxes, and accessories! But having an adorable loving fur baby curl up in your lap makes it all worth it (…right?!)
So if you’re trying to figure out what would be the best products to get, I’ve put together a list of the best!
Here are the 5 litter box accessories totally worth buying
#1. High quality litter scoop
First things first! The most basic accessory you’ll need for the kitty pan is obviously a litter scooper. While you can easily find these for a couple of bucks, don’t skimp out! Purchasing one that is just a little bit more expensive can make all the difference in terms of ease of scooping out the box. Plus, you can be assured it won’t easily break on you.
Look for a design that’s sturdy with a larger deep shovel, and preferably aluminum. This DuraScoop scooper is end to end solid aluminum and will not break or rust. When it comes to scooping out clumps, using something like this will make the job a thousand times easier.
Having a holder for your litter scoop can also really help, but it’s not necessary. You can always stick a nail or hook in the wall, as every pooper scooper I’ve ever seen as a hole at the end for hanging.
#2. Litter Mats
Another great product, if you don’t want to spend your time constantly sweeping up cat litter, is a litter mat. These will help reduce a large portion of litter granules that would otherwise end up elsewhere around your litter area (and home). Just make sure that whatever mat you choose is large enough in relation to the size of your litter box for maximum coverage.
However not all litter mats are designed to work the same. There are three basic litter mat styles:
- Sifting “envelope” style
- Wipeable style
- Rug style
Our top recommendations are the sifting style mats, like this Black Hole mat or the more affordable alternative Pieviev brand. These are multi-layered mats that actually trap litter inside. This means you can simply pick it up (carefully!) and dump the excess litter in the trash.
However the wipeable style mats are also nice, especially if you have a cat that tends to miss the litter box!
For more litter mat recommendations, check out our article 5 Litter Mats That Actually Work.
#3. Cat waste disposal system
If you are looking to cut down the time it takes you to clean the litter box, consider setting up some type of cat litter disposal system. Really this could be anything that allows you to easily dump the cat waste in until it can be thrown out with the trash.
Some people simply use garbage cans with lids, or some other container that would prevent the smell from leaking out. Another common practice is dumping the waste into smaller plastic bags, then dumping those in the main trash.

My preferred method is using a Litter Genie. The idea is basically the same as those diaper pails – you dump in the waste and the smell stays contained until you open it up. This way I can easily scoop the litter in less time, and it works the best at containing smells.
You can read my full review of the Litter Genie here, or check the current price on Amazon.
#4. Litter box deodorizer
If you notice your kitty litter has a hard time covering up odors, try a good litter box deodorizer. The pungency of your cat’s litter box can be highly variable depending on so many factors, most importantly being which cat litter you’re using.
Eco-friendly litters like paper pellets, corn, or soy don’t cover up odors as good as the standard clumping clay versions. Standard clay litter may need a little help in between changing. Even within the clumping clay market, not all have the same level of odor control.
Whatever the reason, if your kitty box needs some freshening up, another tested product here from Happy Cat Corner is Nature’s Miracle Litter Box Odor Destroyer. Each time you clean the litter box, just sprinkle a little bit and mix it in throughout the litter.
If you’re in a pinch or looking for a cheaper alternative, baking soda works too!
#5. Litter box furniture
While this is more of a luxury product than anywhere close to a necessity, litter box furniture can be a great way to spruce up your cat’s litter area. For those that reside in small apartments, or who just don’t have a lot of extra space to keep litter boxes around, you may want to consider litter box furniture.
The main function of these is that they’re designed to hide litter boxes. If you’re bothered by the sight of a litter box so close to your living space, these can help make the area more visually appealing. They can also further help reduce smells since they’re covered.
While you can certainly find some of this furniture on Amazon, I’d recommend checking out better quality handmade pieces from Etsy. You can view the full (current) selection here.
Also check out: 6 Ways to Hide a Cat Litter Box
Are litter box liners a good idea? What about sifting litter box liners?
In my experience, I really did not enjoy litter box liners or the sifting version which is why I didn’t put them on the list. They did not work as well as you would think! The sifting ones made it more difficult to clean out the litter than just using a normal scoop, and my cat totally scratched through the normal liner bags rendering them useless.
Of course that was just my experience. If you would like to try using them, go ahead. I know other people who say the sifting litter liners work amazing for them!
However my recommendation would be to get a good non-stick litter box like a stainless steel box! This makes cleaning and dumping out the box incredibly easy, and liners not necessary.
Another option is to use something like a cement mixing tub (you can get them at home improvement stores). They’re only a few bucks, ginormous, and also non-stick.
The Bottom Line
While there are countless products on the market for your litter box, only a few are actually necessities. However owning a few of the better ones can really make your life a whole lot easier when it comes to litter box maintenance!
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