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Greetings, fellow creative thinkers! Are you on the hunt to find the perfect cat name to tie in with your gaming interests and lifestyle? Look no further! We have the ultimate list of video game cat names right here.

Chock full of unique characters and vocabulary, the video game industry holds an amazing array of great ideas for pet names.
From the vast Nintendo universe, we’ve included name ideas from the Mario series, Donkey Kong, Kirby, and many more.
We’ve also included smattering of everything else video game related, including cat name ideas from iconic retro classics, as well as newer games such as Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Fortnite, etc.
Whether your choice is a beloved favorite character, or simply a name you love too much to pass up, we hope you have fun browsing the possibilities!
- Abigail
- Adeleine
- Aerith
- Agitha
- Alex
- Aloy
- Andross
- Anju
- Astor
- Astro Jack
- Atari
- Avatar
- Axel
- Awasuki
- Ba-Boom the Boisterous
- Bachelor
- Baffle
- Bandana Waddle Dee
- Banjo
- Barbar
- Barnacle
- Barter
- Bashmaster the Unbreakable
- Bayonetta
- Bazaar
- Bear
- Bear Hugger
- Beedle
- Beetley
- Björn
- Blade
- Blipper
- Blue
- Blunder
- Blizzard
- Bobo
- Boomer
- Boss
- Bowser
- Bramble
- Brash
- Brigadier Bazooka
- Bun
- Butch
- Calamity
- Candy Kong
- Cappy
- Caroline
- Catalyst
- Cecil Harvey
- Celeste
- Chell
- Chilly
- ChuChu
- Chucklefish
- Chunky Kong
- Cia
- Cindersap
- Clank
- Clank Sprout
- Clapper
- Claycia
- Clint
- Commander Shepard
- Cloud Strife
- Concerned Ape
- Cortana
- Cranky Kong
- Crash Bandicoot
- Creeper
- Dante
- Demetrius
- Demise
- Diablo
- Diddy Kong
- Dixie Kong
- Doc Louis
- Donkey Kong
- Dr Wily
- Drawcia
- Driblee
- Drifter
- Dyna Blade
- Ellie
- Elline
- Elliott
- Emily
- Enderman
- Enguarde
- Expresso
- Fargoth
- Fi
- Fishstick
- Flapper
- Fluff
- Flurl
- Fox McCloud
- Frogger
- Fugu the Frightening
- Funky Kong
- Gil
- Glass Joe
- Glimmer
- Glower
- Gooey
- Gordo
- Gordon Freeman
- Gunther
- Haley
- Halo
- Haltmann
- Harvey
- Helibird
- Hoofer
- Hootz
- Hopper
- Hyness
- Isabelle
- Jade
- Jax
- Jill Valentine
- Joja
- Junimo
- Katamari
- Keeby
- King Dedede
- King K. Rool
- Kirby
- Kitana
- Klaptrap
- Klump
- Konami
- Koopa Troopa
- Kratos
- Kremling
- Kritter
- Krobus
- Krusha
- Kylo Ren
- Lady
- Lana
- Landia
- Lanky Kong
- Lapis Lazuli
- Lara Croft
- Leah
- Legend
- Lemmington
- Lewis
- Linaly
- Link
- Linus
- Little Mac
- Lord Fredrik
- Luigi
- Lynx
- Magolor
- Magoo
- Majora
- Marin
- Mario
- Marlon
- Marnie
- Maru
- Marx
- Masher
- Master Chief
- Max Payne
- McCree
- Megaman
- Meta Knight
- Metroid
- Midas
- Mod
- Mojang
- Morrigan
- Morris
- Mr Sandman
- Mr Qi
- Ms Pacman
- Myst
- Nago
- Necrodeus
- Nether
- Niko Bellic
- Nightmare
- Noddy
- Notch
- Omega
- Orco
- Pacman
- Paintra
- Parry
- Pauline
- Peach
- Penny
- Pepper Rex
- Peppy Hare
- Pierre
- Pikachu
- Piston Hurricane
- Pitch
- Pixel
- Pizza Pasta
- Pompy the Presumptuous
- Pong
- Prince Fluff
- Princess
- Princess Peach
- Princess Toadstool
- Professor Chops
- Professor Snail
- Puffy
- Quawks
- Queen Sectonia
- Raiden
- Rambi
- Rasmodius
- Ratchet
- Rathian
- Rattly
- Raven
- Rayman
- Rayne
- Rebel
- Redstone
- Ribbon
- Robin
- Rocky
- Rosalina
- Ryu
- Samus Aran
- Sasuke
- Scarfy
- Scoff
- Scoopy
- Scorpion
- Sebastian
- Sega
- Shane
- Skowl the Startling
- Snide
- Soda Popinski
- Sonic
- Spawn
- Spelunk
- Spy Hunter
- Spyro
- Squall
- Squashini
- Squawks
- Squid Kid
- Squishy
- Squitter
- Stanley
- Star Dream
- Star Fox
- Starman
- Steve
- Subzero
- Super Macho Man
- Susie
- Swanky Kong
- Switch
- Syrup
- Tabby Slime
- Taranza
- Tetris
- Thrall
- Tidus
- Tiki Tong
- Tiny Kong
- Toad
- Toadette
- Troff
- Tuck
- Turok
- Valkyrie
- Vincent Valentine
- Volga
- Waddle Dee
- Waddle Doo
- Waldough
- Wario
- Wii
- Willy
- Winky
- Wither
- Wizzro
- Wrinkly Kong
- Yin-Yarn
- Yoshi
- Yrel
- Yuna
- Zack Fair
- Zelda
- Zombie
- Zork
The process of picking out just the right name for your new kitty is such a fun and exciting time. We hope this list helped you think of some ideas! If you’re new to cat parenthood and want to make sure you have everything you need for your sweet kitty, check out our article on 10 Essential Items For Your Cat: My Recommendations!
Do you find yourself constantly running out of cat supplies? Or are you looking for an easier way to stay stocked on your pet’s staples during the Covid-19 pandemic? We recommend checking out Chewy!
Chewy makes online shopping easy and their delivery is as fast as Amazon Prime. With amazing prices, selection, and customer service, they’re the KING of the pet supply niche.
Grab 30% off your first Chewy order here, and be sure to check out our in-depth review for more information and ideas.
For more cat name ideas, check out our complete list set here!
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