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Are you on the hunt for a great cat name that begins with a specific letter? Happy Cat Corner is the place for you! In this article we come to cat names that start with H.

There are so many places to draw inspiration from when it comes to cat names. We like to use a wide variety when creating our collections. Some of our favorite idea sources include food and drinks, plants and wildlife, historical figures, literature, movies and TV, mythology, cute-sounding words and phrases, and many more!
We’ve divided the names into three sections to make them easier to browse – male names, female names, and gender neutral names. We hope you find the name you’ve been searching for!

For more cat name ideas check out our complete selection of cat name lists.
Female Cat Names That Start With H
- Hadassah
- Haddie
- Haddison
- Hadrea
- Hadriana
- Haesel
- Hafsah
- Haggith
- Haggy
- Haidyn
- Haimi
- Haldis
- Haley
- Halimeda
- Halina
- Hallie
- Hanamay
- Hannabelle
- Hannah
- Hannalee
- Hannelore
- Hanya
- Hareem
- Harmonia
- Harmony
- Harriet
- Hasna
- Hatshepsut
- Hattie
- Haunani
- Haviland
- Havy
- Hazel
- Heather
- Heba
- Hecate
- Hecuba
- Hedda
- Hedra
- Hedwige
- Hedy
- Heela
- Heida
- Heidi
- Heike
- Heiress
- Helen
- Helena
- Helene
- Helga
- Helmi
- Heloisa
- Heloise
- Hemali
- Hemithea
- Henna
- Hennie
- Henrietta
- Henriette
- Henrika
- Hephzibah
- Hepsiba
- Hera
- Hermia
- Hermione
- Hermie
- Herminia
- Hesper
- Hesperides
- Hespera
- Hessa
- Hester
- Hestia
- Hettie
- Hibiscus
- Hila
- Hilda
- Hilde
- Hildegard
- Hillary
- Hilma
- Hippolyta
- Hisako
- Holly
- Hollyhock
- Holmes
- Honora
- Hoover
- Horitia
- Hortense
- Hortensia
- Hosanna
- Hostess
- Huda
- Huntress
- Hybris
- Hypatia
Male Cat Names That Start With H

- H. Jon
- Haberdasher
- Hackett
- Hadas
- Hades
- Hadi
- Hadwin
- Haemus
- Hagen
- Hagrid
- Hakeem
- Hal
- Halbert
- Halstead
- Hamani
- Hamilton
- Hamish
- Hamlet
- Hammerstein
- Hammond
- Hampton
- Han
- Hancock
- Handel
- Hank
- Hannibal
- Hans
- Hansel
- Hanson
- Hanzo
- Harcourt
- Harlan
- Harlow
- Harold
- Harry
- Harvey
- Hassan
- Haymitch
- Hayward
- Heath
- Heathcliff
- Hector
- Heinrich
- Helios
- Hellboy
- Helmut
- Hemingway
- Hemsworth
- Henning
- Henrik
- Henry
- Hephaestus
- Heracles
- Herbert
- Hercules
- Herman
- Hermes
- Hernán
- Hernando
- Herod
- Herodes
- Herodotus
- Herrick
- Herschel
- Herzog
- Hewitt
- Hezekiah
- Hidalgo
- Hideaki
- Hieronymus
- Hippocrates
- Hirohiko
- Hiroshi
- Hirving
- Hitchcock
- Hockney
- Hoffman
- Hogan
- Hogarth
- Hoggle
- Holden
- Holofernes
- Homer
- Horace
- Horatio
- Horton
- Hosea
- Host
- Houdini
- Howard
- Howie
- Hoyt
- Hubert
- Hudson
- Huey
- Hugh
- Hugo
- Hulk
- Humbert
- Humboldt
- Humphrey
- Husband
- Hutton
- Hyperion
- Hyrum
Gender Neutral Cat Names That Start With H

- Habanero
- Hachi
- Hacky
- Haddix
- Haden
- Hadley
- Hadrian
- Haggis
- Haggle
- Hai
- Haiku
- Haines
- Hairspray
- Haji
- Haldri
- Haldris
- Hale
- Halfpipe
- Halifax
- Hallelujah
- Halloumi
- Halloween
- Halo
- Halsey
- Halston
- Ham
- Hambone
- Hamburger
- Hammer
- Hammy
- Handsome
- Hanky Panky
- Hannigan
- Hanover
- Hansa
- Hanski
- Hap
- Happy
- Harbor
- Hardy
- Harlem
- Harlequin
- Harley
- Harlow
- Harmon
- Harp
- Harper
- Harpoon
- Harpy
- Harrington
- Harris
- Harsh
- Hartley
- Hartwick
- Harvard
- Harvest
- Hasbro
- Hashbrown
- Hashtag
- Hastings
- Haskell
- Hasty
- Hatch
- Hatchet
- Hathaway
- Hatter
- Haumea
- Haunt
- Haughty
- Havana
- Havarti
- Haven
- Havoc
- Hawkins
- Hawthorne
- Hawaii
- Hawk
- Hawkeye
- Hayden
- Hayes
- Haywire
- Hazard
- Haze
- Hazelnut
- Hazy
- Heart
- Heat
- Heaven
- Hebe
- Hebrides
- Heckler
- Hedgehog
- Hedorah
- Hedwig
- Hee Haw
- Heeley
- Heffie
- Hefner
- Heimlich
- Heineken
- Heinz
- Heirloom
- Heist
- Helio
- Helix
- Helium
- Hellebore
- Hellfire
- Helsinki
- Helvetica
- Hemlock
- Hemp
- Hemsworth
- Henderson
- Hendrix
- Henley
- Hennessy
- Hensley
- Henson
- Hepburn
- Heritage
- Hermit
- Hero
- Heron
- Herring
- Hershey
- Hesse
- Heston
- Hex
- Hiatus
- Hiawatha
- Hiccup
- Hickory
- Hicks
- Higgins
- Highball
- Highlander
- Highness
- Hijinks
- Hike
- Hiker
- Hill
- Hillbilly
- Hilton
- Himalaya
- Hiphop
- Hippogriff
- Hippy
- Hissy
- History
- Hitch
- Hitcher
- Hitchhiker
- Hither
- Hoagie
- Hobbit
- Hobbs
- Hobby
- Hobgoblin
- Hockey
- Hocus Pocus
- Hodge
- Hodgepodge
- Hoffa
- Hogwarts
- Hoity Toity
- Holbein
- Holiday
- Hollace
- Holland
- Hollander
- Hollis
- Hollywood
- Holt
- Holy
- Homerun
- Homie
- Honcho
- Honesty
- Honey
- Honeybear
- Honeybee
- Honey Bun
- Honeybunch
- Honeycomb
- Honeydew
- Honeysuckle
- Honolulu
- Hoser
- Houston
- Honky
- Honor
- Hooch
- Hoodoo
- Hook
- Hookah
- Hooligan
- Hoopla
- Hoops
- Hoosier
- Hoot
- Hootie
- Hootz
- Hopcat
- Hope
- Hopkins
- Hopper
- Hoppy
- Hops
- Horchata
- Horizon
- Horoscope
- Horsepower
- Horseradish
- Horseshoe
- Hoss
- Hosta
- Hotchie
- Hotdog
- Hotshot
- Houghton
- Howdie
- Howl
- Howler
- Hoxie
- Hubbard
- Hubble
- Hubbub
- Hubby
- Hubris
- Huckleberry
- Huckster
- Hudson
- Huevos Rancheros
- Hufflepuff
- Huffy
- Hug
- Hugger
- Hughes
- Hula
- Hulu
- Humble
- Humboldt
- Humbug
- Humdinger
- Hummingbird
- Hummus
- Humperdinck
- Humpty
- Hunan
- Hungry
- Hunk
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hurdy Gurdy
- Hurley
- Huron
- Hurrah
- Hurricane
- Hush
- Hustler
- Huxley
- Huzzah
- Hyacinth
- Hyde
- Hydrangea
- Hydro
- Hydrogen
- Hydros
- Hyena
- Hymenoptera
- Hymn
- Hyper
- Hypno
- Hypnosis
Hopefully this list has helped get your creative juices flowing and to find the perfect “H” name for your new cat! Do you have or know a cat whose name begins with H and you don’t see it on this list? Drop us a comment below! We’d love to hear it.
Before you go..
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Grab 30% off your first Chewy order here, and be sure to check out our in-depth review for more information and ideas.

Also, if you’re new to cat parenthood, or are just looking for some quality cat product ideas, check out our article on 10 Essential Items For Your Cat: My Recommendations!
For more cat name ideas, check out our complete list set here!
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