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Congratulations on your new orange cat! Or if you are just thinking about getting an orange cat, or helping a friend to pick out a name, this list should get you started. Now I love all cats equally, but I admit that there is a special place in my heart for orange kitties. They are some of the sweetest babies around, and their beautiful fiery coats make picking out a name extra fun.

For these orange cat names, I was inspired by things such as foods, the natural world, historical figures, cartoon characters, real life gingers, and more.
Did you know that 80% of orange cats are male? The gene that causes the ginger coloring is found in the x chromosome, of which male cats have one one (the other being y). This means that they only need one parent to carry the ginger gene in order to get the orange coloring. Female cats have two x chromosomes, and so will only turn out orange if both parents have the ginger gene.
We are lucky to have two orange cats here at Happy Cat Corner! Wendy’s boys Louie and Charlie. Louie has a lot of white, but that makes his orange spotty markings extra cute.

Orange coloring can also show up on female calicos and tortoiseshells.

- Acorn
- Alizarin
- Amber
- Animal (the Muppet)
- Annie
- Applejack
- Applesauce
- Apricot
- Arches (National Park)
- Archie
- Autumn
- Beacon
- Beaker (also from Muppets)
- Beta-Carotene
- Blaze
- Bloodwood
- Blossom
- Bongo
- Bulleit
- Burl
- Butterfly
- Butternut
- Butterscotch
- Campfire
- Carrot
- Cayenne
- Cheddar
- Cheeseburger
- Chester
- CheezIt
- Chuck Norris
- Cider
- Cinnamon
- Clay
- Clementine
- Clove
- Colby Jack
- Conan
- Copper
- Creamsicle
- Crookshanks
- Crossfire
- Curry
- Dash
- Dawn
- Dexter
- Dragon
- Dreamsicle
- Dorito
- Elmo
- Ember
- Ernie
- Fanta
- Fireball
- Firefly
- Flash
- Foxy
- Frank
- Freckles
- Garfield
- Ginger
- Gingersnap
- Glowworm
- Goldenrod
- Goldfish
- Grove
- Habanero
- Halloween
- Harvest
- Hazmat
- Heathcliff
- Henna
- Hephaestus (Greek god of fire)
- Hestia
- Hobbes
- Honeycomb
- Icarus
- Inferno
- Jellybean
- Jock
- Juice
- Julius
- Jupiter
- Kennedy
- Kenny
- Kilauea
- Kraft
- Krakatoa
- Kumquat
- Lantern
- Lava
- Lego
- Lucille
- Macaroni
- Macavity
- Magma
- Mandarin
- Mango
- Maple
- Marigold
- Marmalade
- Matches
- Mauna Loa
- Melon
- Mimosa
- Monarch
- Mustard
- Nacho
- Navel
- Nectarine
- Nemo
- Nuthatch
- Nutmeg
- Oberon
- Ollie
- Opie
- Orangey
- Padauk
- Papaya
- Paprika
- Peach
- Peanut
- Penny
- Pepper Ann
- Persimmon
- Phoenix
- Pineapple
- Pippi Longstocking
- Poppy
- Prince Harry
- Pumpkin
- Raggedy Ann/Andy
- Rajah
- Red Hot
- Reese’s Pieces
- Ron Weasley
- Roux
- Rusty
- Saffron
- Sahara
- Salamander
- Salmon
- Scully
- Shere Khan
- Sherbert
- Sienna
- Simba
- Slice
- Smaug
- Sriracha
- Starburst
- Stubbs
- Sunny
- Sunset
- Sweet Potato
- Squash
- Tabasco
- Tamarin
- Tang
- Tangelo
- Tangerine
- Teak
- Tic Tac
- Tiger Lily
- Tigger
- Toast
- Tony
- Topaz
- Torch
- Triple Sec
- Turmeric
- Utz
- Valencia
- Velveeta
- Vesuvius
- Viceroy
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Vitamin C
- Vulcan
- Whiz
- Wildfire
- Wilma
- William of Orange
- Winston Churchill
- Ziggy Stardust
Of course orange cats don’t have to have names influenced by their bright coloring, but it sure is fun coming up with them! What are some of the names of your orange cats? I would love to hear them!
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