This post may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission if products are purchased through them. All opinions are honest and remain my own.
Moving right along, next up in our alphabetical series is the letter J. Whether you have a certain kind of name for your new kitty in mind, or are just looking for ideas, check out this comprehensive list of cat names that start with J.
Not to mention, congratulations! Bringing a new cat or kitten into your home is one of the most special and magical times of your life. If you’re new to cat parenting, or are just looking for some quality cat product ideas, we suggest skimming our article – 10 Essential Items For Your Cat: My Recommendations!

And now, on to the names! As with the rest of our alphabetical cat names series, this collection is painstakingly handpicked by the sisters here at Happy Cat Corner. We’ve divided the names up into three groups (male, female, and gender neutral) to make searching a little easier.
Good luck, and as always, please leave comments below with your own “J” cat names!
Female Cat Names That Start With J
- Jacey
- Jacinda
- Jacquelyn
- Jacinda
- Jacinta
- Jacinthe
- Jackie
- Jacobetta
- Jacobina
- Jacquetta
- Jada
- Jade
- Jaden
- Jadie
- Jadira
- Jady
- Jadzia
- Jaedra
- Jael
- Jaelyn
- Jaenneke
- Jahzara
- Jakayla
- Jalila
- Jaliza
- Jameela
- Jan
- Janae
- Jane
- Janeane
- Janelle
- Janely
- Janet
- Janeth
- Janeway
- Jandy
- Janice
- Janie
- Janice
- Janine
- Janis
- Janna
- Janny
- Jardeen
- Jarica
- Jas
- Jasleen
- Jasmine
- Jasmit
- Jaycee
- Jaydie
- Jayla
- Jazelle
- Jazlin
- Jazma
- Jean
- Jeanette
- Jeanie
- Jedda
- Jelani
- Jelica
- Jellylorum
- Jem
- Jemima
- Jemina
- Jemma
- Jenae
- Jenilee
- Jenna
- Jennifer
- Jenniver
- Jenny
- Jennyanydots
- Jerricka
- Jerrileen
- Jerusha
- Jessabell
- Jessamy
- Jessica
- Jessi
- Jestina
- Jethra
- Jewel
- Jezebel
- Jhori
- Jianna
- Jill
- Jillian
- Jilly
- Jimena
- Jineeva
- Jini
- Jo
- Joan
- Joanie
- Joann
- Joanna
- Jobelle
- Jobeth
- Jocasta
- Jocelynn
- Jodelle
- Jodene
- Jodi
- Joelle
- Joellin
- Joely
- Johanna
- Jolanda
- Jolie
- Joline
- Joni
- Jordanna
- Jorgeanne
- Jorgia
- Jori
- Jorjana
- Josefina
- Josephine
- Josetta
- Josette
- Josie
- Joslin
- Jovie
- Joy
- Joyce
- Juanita
- Judith
- Judy
- Jules
- Julia
- Julianna
- Julie
- Juliet
- July
- June
- Justine

Male Cat Names That Start With J
- Jaakko
- Jabba
- Jabari
- Jace
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jacobi
- Jacobo
- Jacques
- Jafar
- Jago
- Jairo
- Jake
- Jaleel
- Jamal
- James
- Jamison
- Jar Jar
- Jared
- Jareth
- Jarrett
- Jarvey
- Jarvis
- Jascha
- Jason
- Javi
- Javier
- Jay
- Jayce
- Jean Baptiste
- Jean Claude
- Jean Luc
- Jean-Michel
- Jean Pierre
- Jeb
- Jebediah
- Jed
- Jediah
- Jeeves
- Jeff
- Jeffers
- Jefferson
- Jeffrey
- Jekyll
- Jeladi
- Jemaine
- Jennings
- Jensen
- Jeremiah
- Jeremy
- Jericho
- Jerome
- Jeronimo
- Jerrard
- Jerrik
- Jesse
- Jesus
- Jethro
- Jiles
- Jim
- Jimbo
- Jim Bob
- Jiminy
- Jimmy
- Jimothy
- Joaquin
- Job
- Jocko
- Joe
- Joel
- Joffrey
- Johann
- Johannes
- John
- Johnny
- Johnson
- Jonah
- Jonas
- Jonathan
- Jones
- Jordi
- Jorge
- Jorge Regula
- Jorgen
- Jorje
- Joris
- Jose
- Joseph
- Josh
- Joshua
- Josiah
- Josias
- Jotaro
- Jovanni
- Jove
- J.R.R.
- Juan
- Juan Carlos
- Juanpablo
- Judah
- Judas
- Judd
- Jude
- Jughead
- Julian
- Juliano
- Julio
- Julius
- Jurgen
- Jussi
- Justin
- Justinian

Gender Neutral Cat Names That Start With J
- Jabber
- Jabberwocky
- Jabroni
- Jackpot
- Jacuzzi
- Jaffa
- Jag
- Jagermeister
- Jagger
- Jaguar
- Jalapeno
- Jam
- Jamaica
- Jambalaya
- Jamie
- Jammy
- Jangles
- Janky
- January
- Janus
- Jargon
- Jasper
- Java
- Jaws
- Jax
- Jaxine
- Jazz
- JD
- Jedi
- Jeep
- Jeepers
- Jellicle
- Jello
- Jelly
- Jelly Bean
- Jelly Belly
- Jelly Roll
- Jeno
- Jenson
- Jeopardy
- Jerky
- Jerry
- Jersey
- Jet
- Jetsam
- Jib
- Jicama
- Jiffy
- Jigsaw
- Jiggly
- Jigglypuff
- Jingle
- Jinx
- Jitterbug
- Jivey
- JJ
- Jo
- Jockey
- Jodo
- Joey
- Joja
- Jojo
- Joker
- Jolly
- Jones
- Jonquil
- Joplin
- Jordan
- Josephine
- Joss
- Journal
- Journey
- Joyous
- Jubilee
- Jude
- Judge
- Judo
- Juggernaut
- Juice
- Juicebox
- Juicy
- Jujitsu
- Juju
- Jujube
- Jukebox
- Jules
- Julienne
- Jumble
- Jumbo
- Jumpy
- Junebug
- Jungle
- Junimo
- Junior
- Juniper
- Juno
- Jupiter
- Justice
- Jute
Before you go
Do you find yourself constantly running out of cat supplies? Or are you looking for an easier way to stay stocked on your pet’s staples during the Covid-19 pandemic? We recommend checking out Chewy!
Chewy makes online shopping easy and their delivery is as fast as Amazon Prime. With amazing prices, selection, and customer service, they are the KING of the pet supply niche.
Grab 30% off your first Chewy order here, and be sure to check out our in-depth review for more information and ideas.

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