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A friend of mine (with a cat named Cashew) recently adopted two kittens and is looking to continue the food theme for the two new babies. So I decided to help out! I’ve put together a list of my favorite food-themed cat names for you to peruse. You won’t find a list as comprehensive or unique as this one anywhere else. Have fun and good luck!

- Absinthe
- Acorn
- Adobo
- Ahi
- Aioli
- Agave
- Al Dente
- Alfalfa
- Alfredo
- Almond
- Ambrosia
- Andouille
- Ancho
- Anchovy
- Angelhair
- Applesauce
- Applejack
- Apricot
- Arugula
- Asiago
- Aubergine
- Avocado
- Bacardi
- Barley
- Basil
- Basmati
- Bean Sprout
- Beignet
- Bibimbap
- Biscotti
- Biscuit
- Bistro
- Blanche
- Blini
- Bloody Mary
- Bonbon
- Bouillon
- Boursin
- Breadstick
- Brioche
- Brownie
- Broccolini
- Brulee
- Bruschetta
- Bubblegum
- Bun
- Butter Bean
- Butter Pecan
- Butterscotch
- Cabbage
- Caesar
- Calamari
- Candy Cane
- Cannoli
- Caper
- Capon
- Caprese
- Caramel
- Carrot
- Cashew
- Carpaccio
- Cavatappi
- Caviar
- Cayenne
- Ceviche
- Chamomile
- Chantilly
- Chartreuse
- Chanterelle
- Char
- Cheddar
- Cherry
- Chestnut
- Chianti
- Chickpea
- Chili
- Chimichanga
- Cholula
- Chorizo
- Choux
- Chuck
- Churro
- Ciabatta
- Cider
- Cilantro
- Cinnamon
- Citron
- Clementine
- Clove
- Cocoa
- Coconut
- Colby
- Colby Jack
- Cookie
- Couscous
- Croquembouche
- Crouton
- Crumpet
- Cucumber
- Cupcake
- Custard
- Daikon
- Dandelion
- Dash
- Dashi
- Dewberry
- Dijon
- Donut
- Dorado
- Duck
- Dumpling
- Durian
- Ebi
- Echinacea
- Éclair
- Edamame
- Eggs Benedict
- Eggnog
- Egg Roll
- Elderberry
- Enchilada
- Entree
- Fajita
- Falafel
- Farro
- Feta
- Fettuccine
- Fig
- Filbert
- Flauta
- Fluffernutter
- Fondue
- Frangipane
- Fricassee
- Fritter
- Fusion
- Garbanzo
- Gazpacho
- Gelato
- Genoise
- Ghee
- Gherkin
- Gimlet
- Ginger
- Gnocchi
- Gooseberry
- Gouda
- Graham
- Grasshopper
- Guacamole
- Gumbo
- Gumdrop
- Habanero
- Halloumi
- Haricot Verd
- Hashbrown
- Hazelnut
- Hickory
- Hominy
- Honey
- Honeydew
- Horchata
- Huckleberry
- Hurricane
I – J
- Iceberg
- Infusion
- Insalata
- Jalapeno
- Jambalaya
- Jasmine
- Jelly Bean
- Jicama
- Juice
- Juicebox
- Julienne
- Kebab
- Ketchup
- Kimchi
- Kipper
- Kit Kat
- Kiwi
- Kobe
- Kohlrabi
- Kringle
- Kugel
- Kumquat
- Ladyfinger
- Larb
- Latte
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Lentil
- Lettuce
- Licorice
- Lima Bean
- Limoncello
- Little Debbie
- Lox
- Lychee
- Macaroni
- Macaroon
- Mache
- Madeira
- Mai Tai
- Mango
- Margherita
- Marjoram
- Marmalade
- Marmite
- Marsala
- Marshmallow
- Martini
- Marzipan
- Meatloaf
- Melba
- Mimosa
- Minstrone
- Mirin
- Miso
- Mochi
- Mojito
- Molasses
- Mole
- Morel
- Mousse
- Moxie
- Mrs. Dash
- Muffuletta
- Muffin
- Mustardseed
N – O
- Naan
- Nacho
- Napoleon
- Nashi
- Nicoise
- Nigella
- Noodles
- Nori
- Nougat
- Nutella
- Nutmeg
- Oatmeal
- Olive
- Olive Oil
- Omelet
- Oregano
- Oreo
- Orecchiette
- Orzo
- Oyster
- Paella
- Pamplemousse
- Pancake
- Paneer
- Panini
- Papaya
- Paprika
- Parfait
- Parsley
- Parsnip
- Pasty
- Patty
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Peanut Butter
- Pecan
- Penne
- Pepper
- Peppermint
- Perogie
- Persimmon
- Pesto
- Pez
- Pickle
- Pimento
- Pineapple
- Pinot
- Pistachio
- Pita
- Po’ Boy
- Poblano
- Popcorn
- Poppy Seed
- Popsicle
- Porcini
- Poutine
- Praline
- Pretzel
- Prosciutto
- Prosecco
- Provolone
- Pudding
- Pumpernickel
- Pumpkin
Q – R
- Quark
- Queso
- Quince
- Quinoa
- Raddichio
- Ragout
- Raisin
- Ramen
- Ratatouille
- Ravioli
- Recipe
- Reuben
- Rhubarb
- Rice-A-Roni
- Ricotta
- Rigatoni
- Risotto
- Romano
- Roquefort
- Rosé
- Rosemary
- Roux
- Rumchata
- Rutabaga
- Saffron
- Sage
- Sake
- Salmon
- Salsa
- Sangria
- Sashimi
- Sassafras
- Scallion
- S’more
- Serrano
- Sesame
- Sherry
- Shirley Temple
- Skate
- Skittles
- Slider
- Smoke
- Snickers
- Snickerdoodle
- Soda
- Souffle
- Spaghetti
- Spam
- Speck
- Sprinkles
- Sprite
- Sprout
- Squab
- Sriracha
- Strawberry
- Strudel
- Sugar
- Sushi
- Sweet Baby Ray
- Sweet Potato
- Tabasco
- Tabbouleh
- Taco
- Tahini
- Tamale
- Tamari
- Tangerine
- Tangelo
- Taquito
- Tater Tot
- Tempeh
- Toast
- Toblerone
- Toffee
- Tomato
- Tootsie Roll
- Tortilla
- Tostada
- Trinity
- Truffle
- Tuile
- Turtle
- Twinkie
- Twix
- Tzatziki
U – V
- Udon
- Umami
- Vanilla
- Velvet Bean
- Vermouth
- Vesuvio
- Vidalia
- Vichyssoise
- Waffle
- Walnut
- Watermelon
- Wasabi
- Wish-Bone
- Wellington
- Wonton
X – Z
- Yogurt
- Yuzu
- Zest
- Ziti
- Zucchini
- Zuppa
What are some of your favorite food-themed cat names? Let me know in the comments below!

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